Do you believe this stuff really happens? That God actually communicates with us….. really?
If you do, where does he direct us? What’s he calling us toward?
That’s the question from the June 2 podcast – the latest in our series, “Praying With Jesus.”
We’ve heard back from a bunch of you who are doing the 60:60 experiment.
And you’re sharing some common themes of where God seems to be focusing your attention as, hour on the hour, you pause to ask, “Dear God – Is there somewhere you want me to focus? Someone you want me to connect with? A word that you have for me?”
Our bible passage for the podcast is 1 Peter 4:7-11.
Thanks for joining us on the journey!
Hope you can track with us – not just for this teaching, but for the entire series. So, go grab a bible. Find John 15. Then download the podcast and the study guide – and let’s dig in together.
Please note – those of you using a mobile device may have to set your browser to “desktop mode” to access the download button (a glitch with our site – sorry about that).
Here’s the podcast……..
Praying With Jesus – Where God Directs Us
And here’s the study guide…….
Where God Directs Us – Study Guide
As always, feel free to pass this stuff around. You can also find this, and other messages online at the KCRC website under the tab “Sermons And Stuff.”
We’d also love to have you join us live for worship.
We gather each Sunday at 10am.
Don’t worry about getting all gussied up. Just come as you are – we’re a church full of imperfect people.
And we’d be glad to have other imperfect people, like you, along for the ride!