Who Am I? Victorious!

Life is a battle.
Who among us has not muttered that under our breath at one time or another?
We’ve said it, and felt it. And it’s true.
Life IS a battle. But not a battle we need fear. Those who have committed their lives to Jesus, following and trusting him can rest in the assurance that they will win. |
In the end, they will be VICTORIOUS!!
So, that raises some questions – like, “Who is the enemy?” “Are there strategies we need to follow in order to find that victory?” “Do we get spiritual gear and armor to fight the battle?”
And that all is the focus of this, the last of our winter teaching series here at KCRC, “Who Am I?”.
We’re going to dig into Ephesians 6:10-24 helps us understand that.
Who Am I? Victorious!

Go ahead and find a bible, either print version or online or app. Flip to Ephesians 6:10-24. Then download the podcast and the study guide and dig in.

Please note – those of you using a mobile device may have to set your browser to “desktop mode” to access the download button (a glitch with our site – sorry about that).

Here’s the podcast……..

Who Am I – Victorious!

And here’s the study guide:

Victorious: The Study Guide

As always, feel free to pass this stuff around.  You can also find this, and other messages online at the KCRC website under the tab “Sermons And Stuff.”

We’d also love to have you join us live for worship.
We gather each Sunday at 10am.
Don’t worry about getting all gussied up.  Just come as you are – we’re a church full of imperfect people.
And we’d be glad to have other imperfect people, like you, along for the ride!

Who Am I? Suffering!

“Dear God, she is such a good person.
She’s such a good person.
Why does she have to suffer so much?

Ever found yourself saying or praying something like that?
Most of us probably have, somewhere along the way.
Suffering – it’s something that sticks in our throat.
We can’t accept it as normal or right.
We fight against it.
And that’s a good thing to do.
But – the reality is, suffering is all around us. None of us make it through life without some experience of suffering.
In fact, those who ground their spiritual identity in Jesus ought to EXPECT suffering to be part of the deal.
It simply is.
Ephesians 3:1-13 helps us understand that.
The message from March 31 explores how suffering fits into our lives, and how we can keep (or lose) focus in the middle of battling suffering.

Join us as we explore this difficult teaching.

Go ahead and find a bible, either print version or online or app. Flip to Ephesians 3:1-13. Then download the podcast and the study guide and dig in.

Please note – those of you using a mobile device may have to set your browser to “desktop mode” to access the download button (a glitch with our site – sorry about that).

Here’s the podcast……..

Who Am I – Suffering!

And here’s the study guide:

Suffering: The Study Guide

As always, feel free to pass this stuff around.  You can also find this, and other messages online at the KCRC website under the tab “Sermons And Stuff.”

We’d also love to have you join us live for worship.
We gather each Sunday at 10am.
Don’t worry about getting all gussied up.  Just come as you are – we’re a church full of imperfect people.
And we’d be glad to have other imperfect people, like you, along for the ride!

Who Am I? A Saint!

“Hi, I’m Brian and I’m an alcoholic.”
“Oh, stink! I’m such a total loser!”
“Grandpa, watch me – I’m Spiderman!!

That’s how some people will identify themselves. Maybe at a support group meeting. Maybe in frustration when everything seems to be going wrong. Maybe in the middle of an afternoon of play. They take up a role and own it. They fill in a place and connect with it.

Who are you? What might be three labels that you’d easily slap on yourself to help identify who/what you are?

Here at KCRC we are on a journey through the Bible book of Ephesians. And as we sift through the material, we’re wanting to pay special attention to certain phrases that might help identify who and what we are as people committed to Jesus.

The crazy part is that the very first bit of ID information – right in the very first two verses of the first chapter of Ephesians – identifies believers in Christ as “Saints.”

Wait!!! Aren’t saints like spiritual superheros? If so, that’s certainly not me. I sink when I try to walk on water (except in mid-February, if you know what I mean.)

Join us as we explore this strange teaching.

Go ahead and find a bible, either print version or online or app. Flip to Ephesians 1:1-2. Then download the podcast and the study guide and dig in.

Please note – those of you using a mobile device may have to set your browser to “desktop mode” to access the download button (a glitch with our site – sorry about that).

Here’s the podcast……..

Who Am I – A Saint!

And here’s the study guide:

Who Am I – A Saint: The Study Guide

As always, feel free to pass this stuff around.  You can also find this, and other messages online at the KCRC website under the tab “Sermons And Stuff.”

We’d also love to have you join us live for worship.
We gather each Sunday at 10am.
Don’t worry about getting all gussied up.  Just come as you are – we’re a church full of imperfect people.
And we’d be glad to have other imperfect people, like you, along for the ride!