Easter Aftershocks: “Seeing And Believing” KCRC Online Service for April 26, 2020.

I’d like to introduce you to someone that, I think has gotten a bad rap in the church. Everyone thinks of him as a quivering, unsure, back-of-the-bus follower of Jesus; the guy with wee-tiny faith, full of doubt disciple(ish)… Thomas.
Reality is-the guy was one of the most courageous and upfront friends of Jesus (check out how he responds to the challenging and uncertain situations in John 11 and 14).
But then there’s the time that he wasn’t around. And of course, THAT’s the moment when the most unbelievable event in history occurs. Guess what Thomas does -he doesn’t believe it. Because it is unbelievable. In that way I think he’s a lot like you and me. There is more of Thomas in us than perhaps we first care to admit. So join us as we come alongside this disciple, and in doing so reexamine our own attitudes while following the risen Jesus. We will be reading from John 20:24-31
During COVID-19 we are streaming our services, see link below. Wherever social distancing finds you today, your kitchen, your living room, by yourself or with your family, you are welcome please join us……
Please note – those of you using a mobile device may have to set your browser to “desktop mode” to access the download button (a glitch with our site – sorry about that).
Link for Service Audio: Easter Aftershocks: Seeing And Believing
And, hey, once this COVID crisis is safely over, and live worship resumes (yes, we’ll let you know), we’d love to have you join us in person for worship.
We usually gather each Sunday at 10am.
Don’t worry about getting all gussied up. Just come as you are – we’re a church full of imperfect people.
And we’d be glad to have other imperfect people, like you, along for the ride! STAY TUNED – we’ll let you know just as soon as Sunday, in-person worship resumes.